
For most people, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about therapy is that it’s a way of dealing with emotional pain. They see therapy as a means to address some kind of sadness, worry, or trauma. And the truth of the matter is, they are right. Therapy allows us to get in touch with our feelings and thought processes, identify which of those feelings or thought processes contribute to the difficulty, and take the necessary steps to gradually change them. For some, it will be a matter of changing perspective and negative thought patterns. For others, it might require a guided, supported resurrection of childhood experiences to separate the vulnerable, helpless child from the now more-capable and powerful adult.

Yet, people often overlook another aspect of therapy: it’s ability to bring out our potential. As much as therapy is essential for one suffering from a debilitating emotional ailment, it is equally essential for one who lives a life of mediocrity, struggling to actualize his/her potential. We all desire to be great and successful, whether it be in our careers, in our relationships with others, or- more importantly- in our relationship with ourselves. However, for many reasons, we hesitate, allowing our full potential to lie dormant within us without empowering it to actualize.

What makes things more complicated for us is that we are inherently programed to be biased and partial to ourselves- hence our inability to see our shortcomings and deficiencies. Add in the fact that, due to our previous negative experiences, we have created a mindset that we can’t succeed, we can’t improve our relationships, and we can’t become better people.

It is at these times that therapy can help us search within ourselves, touch the core of our being, and break through the obstacles to allow our potential to resurface. It is at these times that therapy can help us overcome the barriers, fears, insecurities, rationalizations, and justifications holding us back, and allow us to live our lives the way we are capable of living.

Call today for a free consult!